How to Tell if My TV is 4K: A Quick Guide

If you’re wondering if your Samsung Smart TV is 4K, or how to check if your TV is currently using certain inputs such as HDR or 24 frames, you’re in the right place.

First of all, you need to know that if you have an Apple 4K TV, it will output in 4K HDR as long as it’s set to. This is a great way to test if your Samsung TV is 4K. Simply plug in your Apple 4K TV and manipulate it. This way, you can confirm that your TV is receiving the signal at 4K HDR and that it’s working properly.

To check what resolution your TV is currently in, hit the “info” button on your remote control. You’ll see information about your TV in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. If your TV is in HDR mode, you’ll see “HDR” and “UHD” together in this information. This means that your TV is currently displaying content in HDR.

It’s worth noting that this method won’t work when you’re using TV smart apps. Smart apps will automatically select the best resolution for the content they’re displaying, so you won’t have to worry about settings or anything like that.

In conclusion, to check if your TV is 4K, simply plug in an Apple 4K TV and hit the “info” button on your remote control. If you see “HDR” and “UHD” together in the information, you’ll know that your TV is displaying content in HDR. Hopefully, this quick guide helped you out. Merry Christmas!