How to Tell if an Email is Encrypted

As we communicate through email, there is a risk of private data being exposed. This is where email encryption comes in handy. In this post, we will show you how to encrypt emails in the Outlook desktop app.

First, start from the compose email screen, fill out your normal information, then go up to options at the top. Here, you should be able to see the encrypt icon. Clicking on it will give you a couple of items to choose from. The options are encrypt only or do not forward, which are both pretty self-explanatory. Encrypt only will encrypt your email, and do not forward will also make it so the receiver cannot forward that email to someone else.

After selecting encrypt only, send your email as normal. This process is super easy to accomplish with Outlook.

Now you may be wondering what it looks like to the recipient. Communication is a two-way street, after all. To demonstrate, we will show you from the Gmail recipient’s end. They will receive an email that you sent them a protected document. They can just click the button to read the message, and then they have to verify who they are. There are a couple of ways to do this, but for any email recipient, they can always sign in with a one-time passcode. This will end up sending them another email, including this passcode, which they need to copy and paste into the place provided. As long as they do this within 15 minutes, they can just click continue and then view your encrypted message.

It’s that simple!

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