How to Take Light Trail Photos on Your Phone

Put camera settings together for the best light trail image. Shooting on a higher ISO with longer shutter speeds and wider aperture settings will let enough light pass through your lens to create a visible light trail. Start with ISO 800, a shutter speed of five seconds or longer, and an f/8 aperture.

If you’re interested in photography, you’ve probably come across light trail photography. Capturing the beauty of moving light objects can be fascinating. However, for new photographers, taking light trail photos can be a bit challenging. In this post, we’ll go in-depth about how to capture light trail photography using your smartphone camera.

First, you’ll need a smartphone with an expert mode and a tripod. Light trail photography requires shooting moving light objects with a slow shutter speed. The shutter speed should be around 2 to 10 seconds. To capture light trail photography using your smartphone, you need to set your camera to expert mode.

In expert mode, you’ll find several settings, including ISO, shutter speed, focus, and white balance. To capture light trail photography, you should set the ISO to the lowest possible value, which is 100. For shutter speed, set it around 4 to 10 seconds, depending on the situation. The focus should be set to 1 or 0.96.

A pro tip for taking light trail photos is to use a three-second timer to take shake-free images. After setting the camera to expert mode, mount your smartphone on a tripod, and you’re ready to take your light trail photos.

To get the best results, set the ISO to a fixed value, set the shutter speed to 10 to 13 seconds, set the autofocus to 1 or 0.96, and set the white balance to around 4500 Kelvin.

Finally, mount your smartphone on a table tripod and let it capture your light trail photos within 15 seconds. With these settings, you can get fascinating light trail photos using your smartphone camera.

In conclusion, capturing light trail photos using your smartphone camera is easy, provided you know the right settings. With these tips, you can take stunning light trail photos like a pro.


How do I take light trail photos on my iPhone?
Launch Slow Shutter Camand tap the settings icon (it's the gear in the bottom left corner of the screen).Tap Light Trail and move the shutter speed slider all the way right until it says Bulb. ... Frame your photo. ... To end the capture, tap the shutter button.More items...
How do I take light trail photos in Android Pro mode?
Turn the mobile phone's camera flash off.Launch Slow Shutter Cam and give it access to your camera, if prompted.Tap Settings in the Slow Shutter Cam app. ... Tap Light Trail in the Capture Mode section.Move the Shutter Speed slider to the right until it says bulb.More items...•