How to Switch Accounts on Xbox App

If you are using the Xbox App on your Windows PC and need to switch accounts, it’s a straightforward process. In this tutorial, we will show you how to switch accounts on the Xbox App with ease.

Firstly, click on your username on the top left of your window and select “Sign Out.” This will sign you out of your account, and you can choose to sign in with a different one. Sometimes, you will see a sign-in window where you can log in with a different account.

If, however, the Xbox App is automatically signing you back into the previous account without being able to sign into a different account, then you will have to reset this application in your settings, which will clear its cache. To do so, open up your Windows settings and navigate to the Apps section. Look up Xbox in the installed apps and navigate to the advanced options of your Xbox App. Click on “Reset,” and this will reset the app’s settings and data, allowing you to log in using a different account.

Usually, the Xbox Console Companion application will log you out and into the same account as the Xbox App. If this is not the case, open up the Xbox Console Companion application. In your app settings, click on “Sign Out” in the General section. You will then be able to sign into a different Microsoft account.

In case you have any further issues or problems following this tutorial, we suggest following our extensive guide in the link in the description below. We hope that this tutorial helped you out. Leave a comment if you have any questions, and see you in the next one.