How to Start Show Classic Mode and Switch Back to Windows 10 Start Menu in Windows 11

If you’re not a fan of the new Windows 11 start menu layout and would like to switch back to the classic Windows 10 start menu, this blog post is for you. Here’s a step by step guide on how to start show classic mode and switch back:

Firstly, activate Windows 11 to move your start menu to the left. Simply right-click on your taskbar and hit taskbar settings. Inside your taskbar settings, you can align your start menu to the left and toggle the widgets on or off.

To switch back to the classic Windows 10 start menu, open up the search and type reg edit inside here and open up the registry editor. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, then to Software, and then to Microsoft. Open Windows and then Current Version. Click on Explorer and then Advanced.

Right-click on the right-hand pane and go new D Word 32-bit value. This will give you a new value to edit. Enter a name called start_showclassicmode and type that in with a capital lettering capital letter classic and then capital letter mode. Double click on this and put one in there and click ok. Close off the registry editor and reboot the system.

Once you reboot the system, you should have your Windows 10 start menu system. If you want to switch back to the Windows 11 start menu, go back to the registry editor and double click on the start_showclassicmode and put this as zero. Reboot the system and this will put the original Windows 11 start menu back to the way it was by default.

Of course, there may be changes to the Windows 11 start menu in the future, but for now, this is how to switch back to the classic Windows 10 start menu. With that said, we hope this guide has been helpful in showing you how to start show classic mode and switch back to the Windows 10 start menu in Windows 11.