How to Speed Up Rooted Android: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are tired of your Android device’s slow performance and want to boost it to Google Pixel-like speed, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we will show you how to speed up your rooted Android device.

Before we start, it’s important to note that your phone has to be rooted for this method to work. If you haven’t rooted your device yet, you can find many guides online to help you with that.

The first step is to go to the Google Play Store and download an app called Kernel Auditor. Once you’ve installed it, you need to download another app called L Speed. Remember, your phone must be rooted for this to work.

Open the Kernel Auditor app and click on the three lines on the upper left. Look for Kernel CPU, click on it, and follow the steps below:

– Set CPU governor to interactive

– Set CPU governor (other CPU parts) to interactive

– Click “apply on boot”

Next, open the L Speed app and set it up as we have below:

– CPU tuner: enable CPU optimizer

– Main tweaks: kill media server, enable system tweaks, enable fastboot flag, enable improve scroll, enable liquid smooth UI, enable assertive display

– RAM manager: set multitask to aggressive

– Cedar: leave it on default

– Cleaner: clean junk files, wipe cache partition, wipe Dalvik cache, enable “run cleaner on boot”

– F’s trim: enable “run f’s trim on boot”

– Backup: save a backup

Once you’ve set everything up, restart your phone. When it’s back on, give it a few seconds to apply the changes. Your phone should now be moving at Google Pixel-like speed.

In conclusion, speeding up your rooted Android device is not rocket science. With the right tools and a few simple steps, you can enjoy a faster device. Don’t forget to create a backup before making any changes and always be careful with what you download.