How to Smart Alert: Stay on Top of Missed Calls and Messages

Smart Alert is a useful feature that is available on most Android smartphones, including the Samsung Galaxy S3. It is an alert that your phone gives you once you pick it up, if you haven’t been using it for a while. This feature is especially handy if you have missed calls or messages that you aren’t aware of.

Setting up Smart Alert is easy. First, go to your Settings menu and navigate to Motion. Then, slide the slider over to Smart Alerts. You can select Smart Alerts and go through a tutorial to learn more about it. Once you’ve enabled Smart Alerts, it will notify you about any missed calls or messages once you pick up your phone.

When you pick up your phone, it vibrates to let you know that you have missed calls or messages. Smart Alerts uses a gyroscope, which does use a bit of battery. However, it will only vibrate once, regardless of how many missed calls or messages you have. This feature is one of the best product updates on the Samsung Galaxy S3 and most Android smartphones.

In conclusion, Smart Alert is a handy feature that makes it easier for you to stay on top of your missed calls and messages. It is easy to set up and use, and it can save you the frustration of missing important calls and messages. Give it a try and see how it works for you!