How to Share a YouTube Video: A Step-by-Step Guide

Share YouTube videos Start watching a video on Under the video, click Share . A panel will open, presenting different sharing options: Social networks: Click a social network icon (for example, Facebook, Twitter) to share the video there.

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet, and sharing videos with friends and family is a great way to engage with the content you love. But if you’re new to YouTube, you may not know how to share a video with others. In this guide, we’ll show you how to share YouTube videos using both a desktop computer and a mobile phone.

First, let’s start with the desktop computer. When you find a video you want to share, scroll down to underneath the video. There, you will see a share button. Click on it, and a few options will pop up. You can embed the video into your own website, share it to various social media networks like Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, or even Reddit. You can also copy the URL of the video and paste it wherever you want. If you have a community tab on your own YouTube channel, you can create a post and share the video that way as well.

Now, let’s move onto sharing videos on a mobile phone. When you find a video you want to share, scroll past the video and look for the Share option. Click on it, and it will give you a few options to share it to networks that you’ve already engaged in. The options may vary depending on the type of phone you have, but you can share it to social media apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, or even email it to someone.

If you need more help with YouTube features, there are many tutorials that can help. You can check out YouTube Certified Expert Allen Spicer’s playlist on the basics of YouTube, or subscribe to his channel for regular YouTube tips and tricks.

Sharing videos on YouTube is a great way to engage with content you love and share it with others. Now that you know how to share YouTube videos, go out there and start creating!


Can I send a YouTube video in a text message?
For this example, we're going to copy the address of the video. To do this, tap Copy at the top of the Share menu. This adds the YouTube video's address to your phone's clipboard so you can paste it into an e-mail, text, or share it to Facebook or other social media sites.