How to Set Up Charter Email on iPhone

If you’re looking to set up your ICD-Soft email on your iPhone’s Mail app, then you’ve come to the right place. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps necessary to get your email up and running on your device.

First, grab your iPhone and unlock it. Once unlocked, locate the Settings icon on your screen and tap on it. Next, swipe down to Mail and tap on Accounts. From there, tap Add Account and choose Other. Then tap Add Mail Account.

You’ll need to enter your name, email address, password, and a description to help you recognize this email account. For example, we’ll use [email protected], with a really strong password. You can leave the description as it is or change it to whatever you like.

At the top of the screen, you can choose the account type – IMAP or POP. For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll choose IMAP because we want all devices and email programs connected to our mailbox to be fully in sync. Our emails will be stored on the mail server, and we will be able to access them from any device or email program connected to the mailbox, including webmail.

Under Incoming Mail Server, you’ll need to enter followed by the name of the server on which your hosting account resides. You can find the mail server hostname in the welcome email you received when you ordered your hosting account. You can also find the server’s name in your hosting control panel under the information panel on the left-hand side of your screen, right under your hosting username. In our case, we enter mail.s466.sure.

You’ll need to enter your full email address as the username to connect to the mail server successfully. In this case, we enter [email protected]. The password will already be filled in because we did that in the previous screen.

Under Outgoing Mail Server, you’ll need to enter the same settings as for the incoming mail server. So, we enter, [email protected], and a really strong password. Don’t leave any blank spaces before or after the entered values to avoid connection errors.

Take a final look at your settings and tap Next. If everything goes well, the email account will be verified. Tap Save, and you can access your email through the Mail app on your iPhone.

There are certain advanced settings through which you can change the location where drafts, sent, and deleted emails are saved by default. Such messages are usually saved in local folders on your device. However, for all your devices to be fully synchronized, you can choose to have such messages saved in folders located on the server. This way, you can access all emails at all times through all your devices.

To set this up, tap on your email account, tap again, and then tap Advanced at the bottom. Under Mailbox Behaviors, you’ll find Drafts, Sent, and Deleted Mailboxes. The Drafts folder on the server will already be selected as the Drafts mailbox. We need to choose the server folders for the Sent and Deleted mailboxes. Tap Sent Mailbox and choose the Sent folder on the server. Tap Advanced in the top left corner to go back. Tap Deleted Mailbox and choose the Trash folder on the server. Go back, and that’s it.

Tap Account in the top left corner to go back, and then tap Done. Congratulations, you’re ready to use your ICD-Soft email account!