How to Set Up Automatic Reply on Instagram

Welcome to Digital Alarm K, where we discuss digital marketing, web designing, graphic designing, and how-to videos. In this post, we will be discussing how to add automatic reply on Instagram.

You might have noticed that you are receiving regular messages on Instagram, which may be from your clients or any other business opportunities that you don’t want to miss. However, it can be quite intimidating to hop into your Instagram account and reply to each and every message.

We have good news for you. We will show you the simplest way to set up the automatic reply and enjoy your time while Instagram does the rest of the work for you. Please read on for important tips.

First, open your Instagram account and go to your profile by clicking on the three-length option on the top right. Once you have opened your profile, click on Settings. Under the account option, select the “Switch to Business Account or Tools” option. If you are using a personal account, then you must switch to a business or creator account.

If you have already switched to a business or creator account, click on “Create or Business” under the notification. You will see a new interface, “Save Replies”. Earlier, it was showing quick replies, but Instagram has updated it to save replies. Click on that, and you will see “New Saved Reply”. You can add a message and shortcut, and once you have done that, click on Save.

Let’s say someone sends you a message on Instagram, and you are not active at the time. The saved reply will go to that person, and you won’t miss any business opportunities.

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Thank you for reading, and we’ll see you in our next post. Till then, take care. Bye.