How to Send an Email on AOL

Sending emails is one of the most common tasks we do on the internet. AOL is an American web portal and online service provider that also provides email services. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps on how to send an email on AOL.

Firstly, open the AOL app and sign in to your account by providing your username or email, and then your password for your account. Once you have logged in, you will be directed to the inbox page where you can see all your received emails.

To send an email, click on the ‘Compose’ button located on the right side of the screen. This will direct you to the compose section where you can compose your email message.

In the ‘To’ field, enter the email address of the person you want to send the email to. In the ‘Subject’ field, type a brief subject line that summarizes the content of your email. This will help your recipient understand the purpose of your email before opening it.

In the body of the email, type the message that you want to send to the recipient. Once you have completed your message, click on the ‘Send’ button located on the top right side of the screen.

Congratulations! You have successfully sent an email from AOL. It’s that simple.

In conclusion, AOL provides an easy-to-use email service that allows you to send emails quickly and efficiently. By following the above simple steps, you can quickly compose and send emails to your friends, family, and colleagues.