How to See CPU Usage on Windows 10

Are you curious about how much of your computer’s CPU and memory are being used? Windows 10 has a built-in Resource Monitor that allows you to easily check this information. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to access the Resource Monitor and view your CPU and memory usage.

To open the Resource Monitor window, press the Windows key + R on your keyboard. In the Run window that opens, type “resmon” and click OK. This will open the Resource Monitor window.

In the Overview tab, you can see the CPU, disk, network, and memory usage. To view more details about your CPU usage, click on the CPU tab. Here you’ll see a list of processes and their corresponding CPU usage and maximum frequency.

If you click on the Services option, you can also see the name of the services that are running and their CPU usage. To view details about your memory usage, click on the Memory tab. Here you’ll see a list of processes, as well as how much physical memory is being used.

The graph in the Memory tab shows the total installed memory, as well as how much is available and cached. You can also click on the View tab to see a graph of your CPU and memory usage over time.

That’s all there is to it! With the Resource Monitor, you can easily keep an eye on your computer’s usage and make sure everything is running smoothly.