How to Search Phone Numbers on Facebook

Open the Facebook app. Tap the looking glass search icon in the top right corner. Add the phone number as a series of digits with no breaks or formatting, and include the area code. Hit search, and you should get the result you wanted at the top of the page.

If you want to find your friends on Facebook using their phone number, there are just a couple of things that you need to do. Firstly, you need to make sure that they are already in the contact list on your Android or iPhone. This is the first step that you need to take. Once you have ensured that your friend’s phone number is in your contact list, you can proceed to the next step.

To search for your friends on Facebook using their phone number, you need to open up the Facebook app. After that, you need to give Facebook permission to access your contacts. To do that, press the menu option on the Facebook app. You will find the option to open up settings and privacy. Once there, go to the settings menu and scroll down. You should find something here called “Upload Contacts”. If you don’t find it there, use the search icon and look for “Upload Contacts”. Go to that page, and you can toggle it on.

By toggling this option on, Facebook can pull phone numbers from your contacts so that you can add them or find them on Facebook. Once you turn this on, it will bring you to a page that will continuously upload new contacts as you add them. However, you can turn this off at any time later.

Once you have granted Facebook access to your contacts, you can start searching for your friends using their phone numbers. All the different contacts on your phone with their phone number will appear on a page. You can invite them to Facebook or search for their name on top if you know who you want to specifically invite.

This is a quick and easy way to find your friends on Facebook if you have their phone numbers. It is a useful feature that can make it easier for you to connect with your friends on Facebook. Make sure you give it a try!