How to Search a Website on Mac: Quick Website Search Feature in Safari

Safari has a built-in feature called Quick Website Search that allows you to search for content on a website directly from your browser’s address bar. This feature is available on both Mac and iPhone versions of Safari and can save you time and effort when searching for specific information on a website.

To use Quick Website Search, you need to visit the website and use its built-in search functionality at least once. Once you have done that, you can use Safari’s address bar to search for content on that website by typing the website’s name, a space, and then the search term. Safari will recognize the website and perform a search directly on that site, skipping search engines like Google altogether.

To enable Quick Website Search in Safari, go to Safari Preferences and then to Search. Make sure that “Enable Quick Website Search” is turned on. You can also manage the websites recognized for this function by clicking on “Manage Websites.” Here, you can remove recognized websites and see the list of websites where you have actually done a search.

Quick Website Search is an excellent feature that saves time and provides more relevant search results. However, it only works on websites that have some code to point Safari in the right direction to tell it how to perform a search. Most websites should have this code, but some large websites may not take advantage of this feature.

In conclusion, Quick Website Search is a useful feature that can save you time and effort when searching for content on a website. If you frequently search for information on a particular website, Quick Website Search can make your browsing experience more efficient and productive.