How to Scan Windows 7: A Step-by-Step Guide

Scanning documents and pictures from physical media to your computer can be a hassle if you don’t know how to do it. Thankfully, Windows 7 has a built-in application that makes the process easier. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to scan documents and pictures from your printer to your computer using Windows Fax and Scan.

To get started, head to the Start menu and type in “fax.” The best match that comes up should say “Windows Fax and Scan” right above the desktop app. Left-click on it once to open it up.

Before proceeding, make sure your printer is already registered on your computer. If you haven’t installed the printer software yet, we recommend doing that first. Once you’ve ensured your printer is turned on, left-click on “New Scan” in the top left corner of the app.

If your printer is turned on, you should have two options to choose from – “Scan” and “Preview.” We recommend clicking on “Scan” to start the process. It may take a few moments to scan the document, so be patient.

Once the scan is complete, you have the ability to save it to an output folder. You can save it to your desktop, the documents folder, or any other folder you prefer. It’s pretty straightforward from there.

It’s worth noting that you may have to have your printer on for a minute or two before it’s recognized by the application. This is an annoying quirk of some printers, so don’t be discouraged if you get that alert right away.

In summary, scanning documents and pictures to your computer using Windows Fax and Scan is a straightforward process. With these steps, you can scan and save documents and pictures to your computer with ease. We hope this brief tutorial was able to help you out!