How to Save Pictures from Yahoo Mail to Computer

If you have received an email with a photo attachment on Yahoo Mail and you want to save it to your computer, this guide will show you how to do it using Internet Explorer.

First of all, open the email that contains the attachment. Once it’s open, move your mouse down to the attachment (in this case, it’s a photo) and click on it. Then, click the down arrow next to “Download with” and left-click “Save to my computer”.

A dialog box will appear asking if you want to open or save the photo. Click “Save”. This will give you more options. Move your mouse over “Save as” and left-click once. Now, you need to choose an appropriate place on your computer to save the file. Since it’s a picture, it makes sense to save it in the “Pictures” folder.

Once you have selected the folder, you can rename the photo if you want to. Then, click “Save”. The download will then be completed.

To find the saved photo, come out of Yahoo Mail and click on the yellow icon at the bottom of the screen to open your folders. Click on “Pictures” and you should be able to find the saved photo there.

With these easy steps, you can save photos from Yahoo Mail to your computer hassle-free.