How to Reset GIMP to Default: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re working with GIMP, you may have accidentally closed the toolbox or layers window, leaving you feeling lost and frustrated. Luckily, returning the window to its default settings is quick and easy.

First, go to the “Windows” menu at the top of the screen and look for the “Recently Closed Docks” option. This will allow you to reopen any recently closed windows.

If you’ve closed the layers channels or other windows, you can also drag and drop them back into place from the “Dialogues with Tool Options” menu.

But what if you’ve made so many changes to the program that you just want to start fresh? In that case, go to “Edit” and then “Preferences.” From there, select “Window Management.”

If you’ve previously checked “Saved Windows Position on Exit,” GIMP will save the windows you had open when you closed the program and reopen them the next time you start GIMP. If you want to start with a truly blank slate, uncheck this option.

To reset GIMP to its default position, where the toolbox is on the left and the layers window is on the right, select “Reset Saved Windows Positions to Default Values.” You’ll receive a prompt asking if you’re sure you want to do this. Select “OK” and then close GIMP.

When you restart GIMP, the toolbox and layers window will be in their default positions, just like they were when you first installed the program.

Hopefully, this guide has helped you solve any problems you may have had with GIMP. If you found this tutorial useful, please consider subscribing to our channel for more helpful tips and tricks.