How to Remove Tab Group Favorites in Safari

Are you a Mac user who frequently opens multiple tabs in Safari? Then, you might want to use the Tab Groups feature to organize your tabs and make it easier for you to switch between them. However, there may be instances where you want to remove a tab from a group. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to remove tab group favorites in Safari.

First things first, you need to create a Tab Group. To do this, open Safari and click on the Down arrow icon found on the top right corner of the window, next to the sidebar icon. Then, select New Tab Group with Tabs. Give your new group a meaningful name and hide the panel using the sidebar.

To remove a tab from a group, you need to access the Preview screen. Click on the group tab name, and then click on the Preview icon next to it. You will see all the URLs that are included in that group. To remove a tab, simply click on the Close button that corresponds to the tab you want to remove.

If you want to add a new website URL to a group, click on the Plus sign in the Preview tile and open the website that you want to add. You can also search for a specific tab using the Search option found under the preview screen.

Aside from removing tabs, you can also rename or delete tab groups from the Safari sidebar. To rename a group, right-click on the tab group name and select Rename. Give your group a new name and hit the return key to save it. To re-order the list, simply drag the name using your cursor and arrange it according to your preference.

Another useful option is to copy all tab URLs and share them with others. Right-click on the group tab name, and select Copy Links. All the links will be copied, and you can paste them in a notes app or send them via email.

Keep in mind that any changes you make to your tab groups in Safari on your Mac will also apply to Safari on your iPhone and iPad. You can access the group list under the Tabs Preview option on your mobile device.

We hope that this guide has been helpful to you in removing tab group favorites in Safari. Stay tuned for more updates, changes, and tips by checking out our video descriptions and website links for updated information.