How to Remove Facebook from iPhone

If you are tired of Facebook and want to delete your account, it is a quick and easy process to do so on an iPhone. In this post, we will guide you through the steps to delete your Facebook account from your iPhone.

First, open the Facebook app and tap on the menu icon at the bottom right. From there, scroll down until you see “Settings and Privacy”, and then tap on “Settings”. Next, tap the search icon at the top right and search for “delete account”. Tap on “Personal Account Information” and then “Account Ownership and Control”, which is the bottom option. Finally, tap on “Deactivation and Deletion” and select “Delete Account”.

Facebook will give you two options: “Deactivate Your Account” or “Permanently Delete Your Account”. If you choose to deactivate your account, it will be temporarily deactivated, and you can restore your data by logging back in. If you choose to permanently delete your account, be sure to review all of your content and messages, as they will all be deleted from your Facebook account.

After selecting “continue to account deletion”, you will be prompted to give a reason for why you want to delete your account. From there, you can tap “continue to account deletion” again and then delete your account. Keep in mind that Facebook keeps your data for approximately 30 days, so if you change your mind within that time, you can still restore your account.

We hope this post has been helpful in guiding you through the process of deleting your Facebook account from your iPhone. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below.