How to Put Amazon on Vacation Mode: A Step-by-Step Guide

As a seller on Amazon, it’s important to take a break every now and then. Whether it’s for personal reasons or simply to give yourself a chance to catch up on other work, putting your Amazon business on hold can be a great way to take a break. However, doing so without the right tools in place can result in a suspension of your account. That’s where Amazon Vacation Mode comes in.

Amazon Vacation Mode is a full-proof solution for sellers who need to put their Amazon account on hold for a short period of time. This feature allows you to suspend your account without affecting your business’ ranking or visibility. In this article, we’ll show you how to put your Amazon business on hold using Vacation Mode or holiday settings.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that Vacation Mode is not an option, it’s a necessity. If you know that you won’t be able to fulfill orders for the next few days, it’s crucial to put your Amazon account on Vacation Mode to avoid suspension. Now, let’s get started.

Step 1: Login to Your Seller Central Account

The first step is to log in to your Seller Central account. Once you’re logged in, hover over “Settings” and click on “Account Info.”

Step 2: Click on “Going on Vacation?”

On the Seller Account Info page, scroll down to the “Listings Status” section. Here, you’ll see an option that says “Going on Vacation?” Click on this option.

Step 3: Choose Your Marketplace

On the next page, you’ll see all of the marketplaces you’re currently selling on. If you’re only selling on one marketplace, like, you’ll only see that marketplace. If you’re selling on multiple marketplaces, you’ll see options for all of them. Choose the marketplace you want to put on hold.

Step 4: Set Your Status to “Inactive”

Once you’ve selected your marketplace, all you need to do is check “Inactive” next to it. Then, click on “Save” and you’re done! Your Amazon business is now on Vacation Mode.

It’s important to remember that even when your account is on Vacation Mode, you still need to be responsive to buyers. Amazon requires sellers to respond to any buyer queries within 24 hours, so make sure you’re still checking your account regularly.

In conclusion, Amazon Vacation Mode is a simple and effective way to put your Amazon business on hold without affecting your account’s ranking or visibility. Just follow these four simple steps to put your business on hold and take a break when you need it.