How to Print PowerPoint Slides without Margins

PowerPoint is a powerful tool when it comes to creating engaging presentations for various purposes. However, when it comes to printing handouts, it can be a bit of a challenge. One of the biggest issues that users face is the amount of space that gets wasted around the margins. Fortunately, there is a simple hack that can help you print PowerPoint slides without margins.

First, go to the slide that you want to print and click on File, then Print. Choose the number of slides that you want to print on one page. Let’s say you choose four slides per page. You will notice that there is a considerable amount of space getting wasted around the margins.

To save this space, you need to save the presentation as a PDF file. Go back to File, then Save As. Choose the folder where you want to save the file, select PDF as the Save as Type, and click on Save.

Once the PDF is saved, go to the folder where it is saved and open it with any PDF viewer that you prefer. Click on the Print icon and go to More Settings. Choose the number of pages that you want to print on one sheet. In this case, we chose four pages per sheet. However, you can choose any number of pages per sheet that you want.

To adjust the margin space, go to Scale and choose Fit to Paper. This will help to reduce the amount of space that gets wasted around the margins.

Finally, click on Print, and your handouts will look fantastic. They will be readable, and there will be much less wastage of space. You can choose any number of pages per sheet that you want, whether it is six pages or nine pages.

In conclusion, printing PowerPoint handouts without any space getting wasted around the margins is an easy task if you follow the above steps. You can even save the handouts as a PDF file and distribute them digitally. If you have any feedback, suggestions, or queries, leave them in the comments section below.