How to Press ESC on iPad Without Keyboard

If you own an iPad Pro with a smart keyboard, you may have noticed that it does not have an escape key. So, when you open up a web page or program in full screen, the only way to get back to the previous screen is by tapping on the screen and then tapping on the X in the upper left-hand corner.

On a Mac, you can simply hit the escape key. But since you cannot do that on the iPad, we are going to look at how you can add an escape key to your hardware keyboard. This can be done by mapping one of the keys, such as the caps lock key, to be the escape key.

Here is how you can add an escape key to your hardware keyboard on the iPad:

First, go to the Settings app and click on General. Under General, click on Keyboard, and then Hardware Keyboard. Toward the bottom, you will see Modifier Keys. Click on this and select the Caps Lock key. Then, click on Escape, and your Caps Lock key will now be the Escape key.

To test it out, go to Safari and open up a web page in full screen. To bring it back into windowed mode, simply press the Caps Lock key, and the video will go back into Safari.

In conclusion, adding an escape key to your hardware keyboard on the iPad can be a simple and useful way to navigate your device. Just remember to go to the Settings app and map one of your keys to be the escape key.