How to Play Zork on Windows 10

If you’re a fan of old-school text-based adventure games like Zork, you might be wondering how to get it running on your modern Windows 10 computer. Luckily, it’s not too difficult, and with a few simple steps, you can be playing this classic game in no time.

First, you’ll want to head to the website with the download for Zork. You can find the link in the description of the video. Once you’re there, search for “Zork” in the search bar and click on “Dork: The Great Underground Empire.” Click the download link and wait for it to finish.

Next, you’ll need an emulator to run the game. DOSBox is a popular choice and you can find it at Click the Downloads tab, start the download, and wait for it to finish.

Once you have both downloads, locate the DOSBox installer in your Downloads folder and open it. Change the Program Files to “C:GamesZork1” (without the quotes) and DOSBox will create the necessary folders for you. Then, find the folder you created and open DOSBox.

Type in the command “config -writeconf dosbox.conf” (without the quotes) and hit enter to create a configuration file for DOSBox. Then, close out of DOSBox and open the config file with Notepad. Scroll to the bottom and find the “autoexec” section. Copy and paste the “mount” lines from the description in the video, then save and close the file.

Next, extract the Zork RAR file to the same folder as before, “C:GamesZork1.” Finally, open DOSBox, navigate to the Zork folder, and start the game.

And there you go! With just a few simple steps, you can play Zork on your Windows 10 computer. No need to dig out an old computer or dust off ancient software. Enjoy the game and relive the nostalgia of classic text-based adventure games.