How to Play Tetris 99 with Friends: Guide to CPU Battle Mode

Tetris 99 is an addictive puzzle game that has taken the gaming world by storm. While the game is enjoyable on its own, it can be even more fun when played with friends. Unfortunately, the CPU Battle Mode, which allows you to play against 98 CPU players, is locked behind a DLC paywall. However, there is a way to play the CPU Battle Mode without purchasing the DLC.

To play the CPU Battle Mode without the DLC, you need to go to Tetris 99 and press X to join a password match. Type in any random password of your choice, and you will be matched with other players who have input the same password as you. If you don’t find anyone to play with, wait for the timer to expire. Once the timer runs out, the match will start, and you will be matched with 98 CPU players.

To prove that the other players are, in fact, CPUs, you can wait for one of them to lose the match, and then you can lose the match yourself. You will notice that the other players’ names are CPU followed by a number, confirming that they are not real people.

Playing Tetris 99’s CPU Battle Mode without the DLC is a great way to enjoy the game with friends without having to spend any money. If you enjoyed this guide, be sure to check out other gaming guides to make the most out of your gaming experience.