How to Password Protect an Outlook Email

In today’s digital age, privacy is incredibly important, especially when it comes to sensitive information. Email is a common way of communicating, but it’s crucial to ensure that sensitive information is secure. In this post, we will demonstrate how to encrypt emails in the Outlook desktop app, making it easy to protect private data when communicating via email.

To get started, open Outlook and begin composing a new email. Fill out the necessary information and then go up to “Options” at the top of the screen. Here, you should be able to see an “Encrypt” icon. Click on it, and you will see two options: “Encrypt Only” and “Do Not Forward.”

The “Encrypt Only” option will encrypt your email, while “Do Not Forward” will prevent the recipient from forwarding the email to anyone else. Select “Encrypt Only” and then hit send as you normally would. It’s that simple!

But what if you’re wondering what it looks like from the recipient’s end? The recipient will receive an email notifying them that you’ve sent them a protected document. They can click the button to read the message and then verify their identity. There are a couple of ways to do this, but for any email recipient, they can always sign in with a one-time passcode. This will send them another email containing the passcode, which they will need to copy and paste into the designated location. As long as they do this within 15 minutes, they can click continue and view your encrypted message.

And there you have it! With just a few clicks, you can easily encrypt your emails in Outlook, ensuring the security of your sensitive information. For more tech tips and useful how-to’s, be sure to visit our knowledge base at