How to Open EFI File: A Step-by-Step Guide

The EFI partition is an essential boot partition for Windows, especially for dual boot systems with other operating systems like Ubuntu. However, gaining access to it may seem daunting for some people. In this article, we will guide you through the process of accessing your EFI partition.

Firstly, open a PowerShell prompt in admin mode. To do this, type in “PowerShell” in the search bar, right-click on it, and select “Run as Administrator”.

Next, type in “mountvol” and give it any drive letter that is not being used. For example, “G:”. Then, add “/s” to the end of the command. You can now go to your G Drive, where you can see the EFI partition.

In the EFI partition, you can make changes to the boot section, add custom modifications, or even create a folder for BIOS upgrades. Once you have completed all the necessary changes, exit out of the G Drive by using the command “mountvol /d”.

It is important to note that the EFI partition is a hidden partition, so you will not be able to see it under normal circumstances. However, with the steps provided above, you can easily access it and make the necessary changes.

In conclusion, gaining access to your EFI partition may seem complicated, but it is actually a straightforward process that can be done through a few simple steps. So, go ahead and make the necessary changes to your EFI partition with ease!