How to Open .md File: A Step-by-Step Guide

Since these MD files are just plain text, you can open one with any text editor, like Notepad or WordPad on a Windows PC and TextEdit on a Mac.

Markdown language has become the preferred format for many developers to document their work. The lightweight and easy-to-read syntax of Markdown is perfect for describing complex coding and programming concepts. However, viewing Markdown files offline is not very user-friendly. If you’ve ever had trouble opening .md files, you’re not alone. In this post, we’ll show you how to open .md files on popular web browsers such as Firefox and Chrome.

Firstly, it’s important to note that the readme file of each repository and directory contains the description of all the things that we want to be done either in a workshop or in instructions like setting up your computer. However, when you clone the repository and try to open it, you might not be able to view it properly offline.

To view .md files properly offline, you need to install an extension on your web browser. In this post, we’ll focus on Firefox and Chrome.

Step 1: Installing Markdown Viewer Extension for Firefox

– Go to the Firefox add-on store and search for “Markdown Viewer Extension for Firefox”.

– Click on “Add to Firefox” and allow the extension to run in private windows.

– Go to the extensions settings in Firefox and activate all the content options.

– Close the browser.

Step 2: Opening .md Files Using Firefox

– Right-click on the .md file and choose “Open with” -> “Choose another app”.

– Select Firefox and click “Always open with this”.

– Hit “Enter” and the file will load properly.

Step 3: Installing Markdown Viewer Extension for Chrome

– Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for “Markdown Viewer Extension for Chrome”.

– Click on “Add to Chrome” and wait for the installation to complete.

Step 4: Opening .md Files Using Chrome

– Right-click on the .md file and choose “Open with” -> “Choose another app”.

– If Chrome is not listed, select “More apps” and then “Look for another app on this PC”.

– Navigate to “Program Files (x86)” -> “Google” -> “Chrome” -> “Application” -> “chrome.exe”, and click “Open”.

– The file will not load properly, but once you have the Markdown Viewer Extension for Chrome installed, it will work the same way as it did for Firefox.

In conclusion, Markdown is a great way to document your work, but viewing it offline can be a challenge. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to open .md files on both Firefox and Chrome. This way, you’ll be able to access important information even when you’re not connected to the internet.


What is a .MD file?
md file extension (also written as . markdown) stands for “Markdown documentation”. Markdown is a lightweight markup language, and each MD file is written in a particular “flavor” of Markdown. It can be helpful to think of the different flavors as being like different dialects of one language.
What can open a Markdown file?
Open and Convert Markdown Documentation File Since these MD files are just plain text documents, you can open one with any text editor, such as Notepad or WordPad in Windows.
How do I use a .MD file?
The file should have an .md or .markdown extension. Open the Markdown file in a Markdown application. Use the Markdown application to convert the Markdown file to an HTML document. View the HTML file in a web browser or use the Markdown application to convert it to another file format, like PDF.
What is .MD file in GitHub?
When you create a repository or a project, GitHub gives you the option of a default readme. The default readme file contains the repository name and some basic instructions. The file format is 'md', which stands for Markdown documentation. It is a lightweight markup language that can be easily converted to text.