How to Manage Startup Applications in Windows 7

If you’re experiencing slow computer start-up times, managing your start-up applications can help speed things up. There are three different ways to manage start-up applications in Windows 7, and we’ll cover all of them in this tutorial.

The first way is to use the Starter Folder. To access it, type in “shell:startup” in the search bar. If this doesn’t work, go to “All Programs” and scroll down to the Starter Folder. From there, you can add any programs you want to start when your computer boots up by right-clicking and selecting “create shortcut.” You can also remove programs by right-clicking and selecting “delete.”

The second way is to use MS Config. Type in “MS Config” in the search bar and press enter. Click on the “Startup” tab, and you’ll see a list of all the programs that run when your computer starts up. Uncheck any programs you don’t want to start up, click “Apply,” and then click “OK.” You will be prompted to restart your computer, so either choose “Exit Without Restart” or restart your computer if you prefer.

The third and final way is to use the Registry Editor. Type in “regedit” in the search bar and press enter. Expand “Local Machine,” then “Software,” then “Microsoft,” then “Windows,” and finally “Current Version.” Click on “Run” to see a list of all the programs that run when your computer starts up. To remove a program, right-click and select “delete.”

It’s important to note that you should be careful when using the Registry Editor, as deleting the wrong thing can cause issues with your computer.

By using these three methods, you can manage your start-up applications and speed up your computer’s start-up time.