How to Make Your Snapchat Score Go Up Quickly and Easily

Your Snapchat score will only increase by sending photo and video Snaps . Text messages sent through the Snapchat app do not count. You don't get extra points for sending the same Snap to multiple users. You need to send a unique Snap to get a point.

Snapchat is one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide, and its users are constantly looking for ways to increase their Snapchat scores. If you’re one of those users, you’re in luck! In this post, we’ll show you the quickest, easiest, and fastest way to increase your Snapchat score on any device.

First, you don’t need any tweaked apps to increase your Snapchat score. Just download the regular Snapchat app from your app store. Once you’ve downloaded the app, sign up for a new account. If you’re starting from zero Snapchat score, this is the quickest, easiest way to increase it.

The easiest way to go about this is to find all the famous people and subscribe to their stories. Once you’ve added a few people, take a snap and send it to each person you’ve added. When you’re sending the second snap, Snapchat gives you the option that says “last snap,” so you just click it and repeat this process a few times.

Depending on your Wi-Fi speed and how many people you add, you can increase your Snapchat score by 150 or even 250 in one minute. The more people you add, the better your chances of increasing your score faster. This method works for all iPhone devices, all iOS versions, and Android phones.

After a few repetitions of this process, you can exit out of the app and check your score. You’ll be amazed at how fast your score has increased! You can get up to a thousand, ten thousand, or even a hundred thousand Snapchat scores very easily if you keep repeating this process.

In conclusion, increasing your Snapchat score is quick, easy, and fun! You don’t need any special tools or apps to do it. Just find some famous people to subscribe to, take a snap, and send it to each person you’ve added. Repeat this process a few times, and you’ll see your score go up in no time. So what are you waiting for? Start increasing your Snapchat score today!


Can you increase your Snap score?
Every time you send or receive a Snap, your Snap Score increases by one point. Your score is also affected by other factors, such as how frequently you use the app, how many friends you have, and how often you open Snaps from specific friends.
What increases Snap score by 100?
Send and receive snaps: Sending snaps to your friends will gain you points. You'll also get points for snaps you receive. The neat thing about this is that you and your friends can boost each others' score. When you have a marathon snap conversation, you're both racking up points.
What's the highest Snap score?
The highest Snap Score recorded in past years belongs to celebrity Kylie Jenner who currently has over 200 million points. This shows how popular Snapchat is among celebrities and influencers as well as everyday users.
Is 1,000 Snap score a day a lot?
You could be the “cool, relatable parent.” 1,000-50,000: You're doing alright. If you have a snapscore between 1,000 to 50,000, you might not use snap too often. It is likely that the only reason you use it is to stay in touch with your friends or to view stories that catch your eye.