How to Make Your iPhone Less Slippery and More Secure

Have you ever found your phone slipping out of your hand? Maybe it was a close call, or maybe it actually fell and got damaged. This is a common problem with most smartphones, especially the high-end ones that come with a hefty price tag. The sides of most phones are very slippery, and even cases can sometimes make things worse. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem.

One solution that works wonders is a grip tape that you can get from Amazon. It’s called Grips, and it’s a simple, yet effective way to increase the grip on your phone. The tape has been designed to provide a lot of grip, and it’s easy to apply. It comes in different colors and sizes, and it works directly on the phone or pretty much any case.

To apply the tape, make sure you clean the side of your phone very well. You can put it on the back of your phone as well, but in this case, we’re focusing on the sides. Once you apply the tape, it sticks to almost any surface and doesn’t move equally in your hand. It’s definitely worth the investment since the cost is very little.

The Grips tape has been tested and holds up very well, even after two or three months of use. It’s better than the rubberized grip case on the specs and other cases. The tape gives an enormous amount of grip to the thing, and it’s highly recommended. In fact, we give it a 10 out of 10 rating.

Apart from the Grips tape, you can also buy little stickers from eBay to protect the back of your phone. These stickers are very inexpensive and provide a great deal of protection to the back of your phone. They’re so thin that they work with any case, and they don’t add any extra weight to your phone.

In conclusion, having a good grip on your phone is essential for your phone’s safety and your peace of mind. The Grips tape is an excellent solution to the slippery phone problem, and it’s affordable and easy to use. The added protection from the stickers is also a bonus that you can consider. So go ahead and make your phone more secure today!