How to Make Word Bubbles in Photoshop

If you’re into making comics, then you know how important it is to have professional-looking speech bubbles. In this article, we’ll show you two methods for creating word bubbles in Photoshop.

The first method involves using the shape tool to make an ellipse. Make sure the ellipse is on a solid line with a thickness you desire. The stroke should be black and the fill should be white. Then, take the direct selection tool to modify the shape and add anchor points to adjust it with the pen tool. This allows you to create a unique speech bubble that can emphasize certain moods.

To create a trailing speech bubble, repeat the process of making an ellipse. However, this time you’ll combine both shape layers into one and use the freeform pen tool to make a shape and attach it to the speech bubble. Draw the tail yourself by freehand.

The second method is a personal favorite. It involves making a new layer and applying the stroke effect to the layer. Draw a pseudo ellipse with the pencil tool and erase parts of it to clean it up. Then, draw the tail with the lasso tool and fill it in.

You can also use the pencil tool to draw an organic shape underneath the text layer and fill in a tail with the lasso tool. You can play around with drippy effects to make it more interesting. The downside to this method is that you have to select each speech bubble individually to move them.

In both methods, you can always adjust the size and shape of the speech bubble. You can also cut into the shapes with the eraser or lasso and delete buttons.

Whether you’re a professional comic artist or a beginner, these two methods will help you create professional-looking speech bubbles in Photoshop.