How to Make Safari Screen Bigger on Mac: Three Different Ways to Maximize a Window

In the Safari app on your Mac, do one of the following: Make all content larger: Choose Safari >, Settings for [website] and choose an option from the Page Zoom pop-up menu, or choose View >, Zoom In . You can also pinch open on a trackpad that supports gestures.

Maximizing a window on your Mac can mean different things, but what most users really want is to make the window as large as possible, not to create a full screen app. In this article, we will show you three different ways to maximize a window on your Mac, specifically in Safari.

The first way is to click the green button in the top-left corner of the window, which puts it in full screen mode. However, this takes over the entire screen, and you may not want to create a full screen app. The second way is to go to Window > Zoom, which may not always fill the screen. Instead, it maximizes the window to the maximum size needed for the content.

The third way to maximize a window on your Mac is to use the Option key when clicking the green button or double-clicking the title bar. Doing so will maximize the window to fit the content comfortably, without creating a full screen app. This is especially useful when using Safari to browse the web.

In summary, there are three different ways to maximize a window on your Mac. While the first two ways may not always produce the desired result, the third way using the Option key is a quick and easy solution to make your Safari window bigger without taking over the entire screen. Try it out and see for yourself!