How to Make Outlook Faster: Tips for Employers

If you constantly work with emails as part of your job, you know how frustrating it can be when Microsoft Outlook runs slow. Luckily, there are two easy tips you can follow to speed things up and make your daily job much easier – even if you’re not a tech expert.

First, press “Ctrl+Shift+Escape” to open up the task manager. From there, find the Outlook process, right-click it, select “Details,” and set the priority to “High.” This will make your computer prioritize Outlook, making it much faster.

However, you will need to repeat this step every time you restart your computer. To avoid doing so, you can also change your power options. Open the control panel, search for “Power Options,” and select “High-Performance.” If you have Windows 10, you can even select “Ultimate Performance” for an extra boost.

To do so, right-click on the start menu, select “Windows PowerShell admin,” paste the code found in the video description, and hit “Enter.” “Ultimate Performance” will then appear in your power options.

By following these two simple tips, you can make your Outlook experience much faster and smoother. Say goodbye to slow email responses and hello to increased productivity!

Note: While the video mentioned subscribing for more tips, this article is a written adaptation that won’t have such an option.