How to Make Music Loop on TikTok

TikTok has quickly become one of the most popular social media platforms, with users trying to stay ahead of the curve in terms of creativity. One way to make your TikTok videos more engaging is to add multiple songs or audio tracks. Although this may seem like a small detail, it gives you more options to be creative and can set you apart from other creators.

The first step to adding music to your TikTok video is to decide which songs you want to use. Make sure they fit together nicely and reflect your creativity. To capture the audio, use your screen recorder on your phone or download local mp3s of your favorite songs.

While TikTok has many video editing tools, there isn’t one that lets you add multiple songs to a video. Therefore, you’ll need to use a third-party video editing app or one that you already have. There are many editing apps available for mobile devices or computers. For example, Windows 10 and Mac devices come with the Video Editor app and iMovie, respectively. If you don’t want to transfer videos from your phone to your computer, download a video editing app from your device’s app store. Look for an app with a merge tool to edit your screen captures together seamlessly.

Once you’ve created a continuous clip with multiple songs, save it to your device and upload it as a private video on TikTok. To use the music in your actual video, select the plus icon from the bottom menu on TikTok and tap on the upload option to the right of the record button. Select the clip you’ve combined your songs into and tap next on the posting page. Tap on who can view this video and select private. Finally, hit post.

To put the audio onto an actual video, go to your profile by tapping the me icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Tap the padlock icon to access your private video uploads and select the clip you uploaded. At the lower right of your screen, tap on the spinning vinyl icon and select add to favorites to save your sound. If you’re ready to record, tap the use the sound button and hit record. From here, you can craft your video as you normally would but with your new original sound attached.

Adding multiple songs to your TikTok video may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in the overall creativity and engagement of your videos. With these steps, you can easily create a continuous clip with multiple songs and add it to your TikTok videos. Stay ahead of the curve and make your videos stand out with new and exciting audio options.