How to Make Animation in PowerPoint 2010

Are you tired of delivering boring presentations that put your audience to sleep? If so, it’s time to add some excitement to your slides. And the best way to do that is by adding animations. PowerPoint 2010 has a variety of animation effects that you can apply to text and objects.

Let’s say you’re creating a trivia night slide show, and you want to add animations to the picture and the answer. Start by clicking on an object, and then go to the Animations tab. You can view the different types of effects that are available in the Animation group. There are four categories: Entrance, Emphasis, Exit, and Motion Paths.

For example, you can choose Float In, which is an Entrance effect. Some effects have Effect Options, allowing you to choose a direction. If you want to add a second effect, you can’t select it from the same menu. Instead, you’ll need to go to Add Animation to include more than one.

You can easily keep track of which objects have animations because they will have numbers next to them – one for each effect. And the slide will also have a little star picture. If you want to preview the effects, you can just click the Preview command.

If you want to apply the same effects to other objects, you can use the Animation Painter to copy them. Click on the object that has the effects, then click Animation Painter and the cursor will have a little paintbrush on it. When you click on the other object, it will have the same effects.

If you have multiple effects on a slide, it’s a good idea to open up the Animation Pane to help you manage them. It will appear on the right side of the screen. You can click and drag the effects if you want to reorder them. You can also click the drop-down arrow to see more options for each effect.

By default, each effect starts when you click the mouse, but you can change that. You can have the effect start automatically at the same time as the previous effect or after the previous effect ends. This makes the animations flow more smoothly, since they’re being triggered automatically.

If you click the drop-down arrow again and go to Effect Options, you’ll have a dialog box where you can fine-tune the animation. These options will vary depending on which effect it is. You can also adjust the timing.

Once you’ve added all the effects you want, it’s time to play the slide show so you can view the finished product. You can click the mouse to trigger the first effect. After a few seconds, the next effect will trigger, and then the next one. The answer will stay on the screen until you click the mouse again.

In conclusion, adding a few animations can turn a simple slideshow into a presentation that’s engaging and fun for your audience to watch. So if you want to make your presentations memorable, be sure to try out some of the animation effects in PowerPoint 2010.