How to Make an Educational App for Free

In today’s digital age, education is not limited to the four walls of a classroom. Thanks to technology, students can now access educational materials through mobile applications. If you are an educator who wants to create an educational app but does not have a budget for it, then Tech Booty Apps is the solution for you. Here’s how you can make an educational app for free using Tech Booty Apps:

1. Go to your dashboard and click on the “Features” tab. From there, go to the marketplace and start adding critical features for an education app.

2. For the media center, you can add a plugin called “Lectures” to upload different courses such as art, math, or anything that you have set up. You can add images, text, or video to this feature.

3. Another feature you can add is called “Text,” a “what you see is what you get” plugin that allows you to add a syllabus or homework items for students. You can call this feature “Homework.”

4. You can also add a “School Schedule” feature using the events feed. You can call this feature “Schedule” and have everything synced into your app so students know exactly when and where things are happening.

5. The last feature you can add is a “Social Wall” so that students can communicate with each other. You can use the premium social wall and call it “Chat.” Users can send posts, like, and share content with other members who are using the app.

6. To make your app complete, you need to create a home page by adding the “Home Page Grid Layout.” You can call this feature “Home.”

7. Once you have completed your app, make sure to add your branding for your app and then upgrade so that you can publish it.

Building an educational app with Tech Booty Apps is super easy and free. With this platform, you can create an engaging app that will help your students learn better. So why not give it a try? Build your app for free with Tech Booty Apps today.