How to Make a Sony Blu-Ray Player Wireless

If you’re looking to connect your Sony Blu-ray disc player to your wireless network and internet, then you’ve come to the right place. With the capability to stream a variety of movies, TV episodes, music videos, live sports events, and more, you’ll want to get connected as soon as possible.

Before getting started, it’s important to note that the products used in this demonstration are the BD PS 580 and the KDL 32 BX 310. Products can vary, so it’s essential to check your owner’s manual or visit for your specific features and menu options.

To begin, make sure your Blu-ray disc player is connected to your TV and that you’re able to view the menu of the Blu-ray disc player on the TV. If you haven’t done this yet, you can find the steps to make this connection with the Quick Start Guide owner’s manual or visit a support at for specific directions.

Once you’ve got your Blu-ray disc player connected to your TV, turn on both your TV and your Blu-ray disc player. Ensure you select the correct input that your Blu-ray disc player is connected to. For this demonstration, we’re connected to HDMI 2.

Using the remote for your Sony Blu-ray disc player, press the home button. Using the remote arrow keys, scroll to the far left and find the setup icon. Using the remote arrow keys, scroll down to network settings, and press enter. Highlight internet settings and press enter. Highlight wireless set-up and press enter. Highlight scan and press enter.

Your Blu-ray disc player will now start searching for available wireless networks within your range. Once it shows you a list of available wireless connections, highlight your network and press enter. If your network has a password, you’ll need to enter it at this point.

Next, you’ll see a screen that shows you how your network is configured. This is just an overview, and you don’t need to take any action at this screen. Use the right arrow key to continue. You’ll then see a screen that shows you how to establish a connection: select save and connect, highlight save and connect, and press enter.

You’ll then see the message “connecting to the network, please wait.” The connection to your wireless network is now complete, and you can see the confirmation that you are connected on the screen. Press enter to continue.

Now that you’re connected, let’s go to the internet. Using your left arrow key, go back to network settings, use the right arrow key to go to network, highlight internet browser, and press enter. Press the options button on the remote, and the browser setup is displayed. Highlight URL entry and press enter. This displays the software keyboard which allows you to type in a website address. For this example, we’re going to type in

Use the arrow key to select each letter, and once a letter is highlighted, press enter. Once you’ve spelled out the complete website address, press the green enter button on the remote. You can use the arrow keys to move around the webpage.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully connected your Sony Blu-ray disc player to your wireless network and internet. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows.