How to Make a Resistor at Home

Resistors are an essential component in electronic circuits. There are different types of resistors, and it can sometimes be challenging to find specific resistor values for our projects. In this blog post, we will cover the basics of resistors and show you how to make your own resistor at home.

Types of Resistors

There are various types of resistors. In the video, the presenter showcases three rock or stone resistors, which are more expensive and used in high current electronic circuits. There are also smaller resistors, such as 0.5 watts and 0.25 watts, with color strips indicating their values.

Understanding Resistors

The primary function of resistors is to limit current flow. They are made of carbon or graphite-based materials that offer resistance to electricity. When one of these materials is covered with non-conducting material, it creates resistance, which can limit current flow in electronic circuits.

Making Your Own Resistor

To make a resistor at home, you will need a graphite-based road stick, two pieces of copper wire, and a piece of paper. First, connect the copper wires to the graphite stick tightly. Then, roll the paper around the graphite stick and place it into a plastic tube. Apply super glue to the paper and graphite to make it strong and concrete. Wait for the glue to dry, and your homemade resistor is ready to use.

Checking the Value

To check the value of your homemade resistor, use a multimeter set to the resistor setting. The presenter in the video shows that the homemade resistor has a value of 1.5, which is slightly higher than its actual value due to the multimeter’s lack of sensitivity.


Homemade resistors can be used in any circuit when you need specific values that are not available in the market. They are cost-effective and easy to make with readily available materials. With the steps outlined in this blog post, you can make your own resistor at home and use it in your projects.