How to Link a PDF: A Step-by-Step Guide

Using Adobe, open a PDF document to add hyperlinks. Choose “Tools” >, “Edit PDF” >, “Link” >, “Add/Edit Web or Document Link” and then drag the rectangle to where you want to create the link . Next, in the “Create Link” dialogue box, adjust the link appearance and select “Open a Web Page” for the link action.

Sending a PDF as a link can be a convenient way to share files with others without having to attach the actual document. In this article, we will guide you through the process of linking a PDF file.

First, open any browser on your PC and log into your Gmail account. Click on the Google Apps icon and select Drive. Once the new tab is loaded, click on “New” and then “File Upload.” Select the location where you have saved the PDF file, and click on “Open” to upload it.

Once the PDF file is uploaded, right-click on it and select “Get link.” Scroll down to “Restricted” and change it to “Anyone with the link.” This will allow anyone with the link to view the PDF file. Copy the link and go to your desired platform, such as Gmail or WhatsApp.

Compose a new message, add the recipient’s email address, and add a subject line. In the message body, you can add a description of the PDF file and paste the link. Hit the send button, and the link will be sent to the recipient.

In summary, linking a PDF file is a simple process that can be useful for sharing files. Follow the steps above to link a PDF file with ease.