How to Leave Fullscreen Network: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you are a content creator on Fullscreen Network and are not satisfied with their services, you might want to leave the network. Leaving such a network is not as easy as it seems. In this post, we will guide you on how to leave the Fullscreen Network.

If you are under 18, you are 100% eligible to get out of your contract. The best method to use is to provide some form of government ID, such as a passport, driver’s license, or birth certificate. If you provided a fake name when signing the contract, you will be instantly declined because it doesn’t match what you put on the contract.

To leave Fullscreen Network, the first thing you need to do is go to, or you can send an email to [email protected]. Ensure that you are sending the email from the account your Fullscreen account is linked to. Next, copy the following message and adjust it if needed: “Hello, I was not 18, the legal age of consent (i.e., when a person becomes an adult), at the time I signed your contract. This is also known as the age of majority. And my parents did not sign on my behalf. Because I was a minor without parental consent, you are not able to hold me under contract. I do not want to sign a new contract; I simply want to leave the network. Please unlink my channel ASAP.”

Attach a picture of your government ID, which can be photocopies or a picture taken with your phone and transferred to the computer. Once you’ve sent that, wait a few minutes or sometimes an hour, and you should get a response saying you’ll be released from the Fullscreen Network soon. If you submit the request on a Saturday or Sunday, they will not respond because support is not open on weekends.

Suppose you are over 18 and want to leave. In that case, you can try emailing Fullscreen Network and telling them that you want to leave because your channel promotes another network and discusses how Fullscreen and other networks are liars and take portions of the YouTubers’ profits and do nothing productive with it. This method has a 50/50 chance of acceptance, and this part depends on what support person you get.

If both methods did not work for you, the only other method to leave Fullscreen Network is to message an MCN lawyer. You could try threatening them with legal action, but we are not sure how to do it properly.

In conclusion, leaving Fullscreen Network can be challenging, but following the steps outlined above will make it a lot easier.