How to Leave a Google Review on iPhone

If you have ever had a great experience at a local business and wanted to share it with others, leaving a Google review is a great way to do so. In this article, we will be walking you through the process of leaving a Google review on an iPhone.

Firstly, you will need to download the Google Maps app from the iTunes store. Once you have downloaded the app, open it and sign in to your Google account. This is a necessary step to be able to leave a review.

After signing in, click on the bottom right-hand button that will sync your iPhone with your current location. Then, search for the business you wish to review. For example, if you want to leave a review for your favorite taco place near your office, search for “Lone Star Taqueria.”

Once you’ve found the business, click on it, and scroll down to the review section. Here, you can give the business a rating out of five stars and write a review. When you are finished, click publish, and your review will be processed and visible to others.

It’s that simple to leave a Google review on an iPhone! You can familiarize yourself with the process and start leaving reviews for businesses that you love. Remember, positive reviews help local businesses grow and attract new customers, so don’t hesitate to share your great experiences.