How to Insert Clip Art in PowerPoint

Clip art is a great way to add some life and fun to a PowerPoint presentation. In this article, we will explore how to insert clip art into your PowerPoint presentation.

First, let’s define what clip art is. Clip art is usually a cartoon-style picture related to a topic. To insert clip art into your PowerPoint presentation, click on the “Insert” tab, then click on “Clip Art”. A new window with a search bar will open up. Type in a keyword related to the image you want to include. For example, if you want to include an image of a boy, type “boy” into the search bar.

Once you click on the search button, a section with different images related to your search term will appear. You can choose from different types of media like clip art, photos, movies, and sounds. By default, the search option is set to “Everywhere”, which means that Microsoft Office will search for images from different sources. However, you can also limit the search to specific collections.

After choosing the image you want to include, simply click on it, and it will be inserted into your slide. You can also resize and move the image to your liking.

Another way to insert clip art into your PowerPoint presentation is by clicking on the “Clip Art” button on the “Insert” tab. This will bring up a similar menu where you can search for and choose the clip art you want to use.

In conclusion, clip art is a great way to make your PowerPoint presentation more visually appealing. By following these simple steps, you can easily insert clip art into your presentation and make it more lively and fun to look at.