How to Insert an Interactive Map in PowerPoint

Are you tired of using static maps in your PowerPoint presentations? Do you want to show your audience how to navigate a map or highlight specific points during a presentation? If so, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we’ll show you a simple technique to insert an interactive map in PowerPoint.

The first step is to find the location you want to share with your audience. You can do this by going to your browser and searching for the location on Google Maps. Once you have found the location, click on the menu on the left side of the browser. Then, select “Embed map” and copy the embed map link.

Next, go back to your PowerPoint presentation and select “Insert” from the menu. Then, select “Add-ins” and go to the store. Search for the “Web Viewer” add-in and click on “Add” to download it.

Once you have downloaded the add-in, adjust it to the size you want for your audience. Then, paste the embed map link you copied earlier into the Web Viewer. Remove everything after “HTTP colon double slash” and click on “Preview”. Your browser will fetch the maps and location you were browsing earlier.

Now, your map is interactive and you can move it, zoom in and out, and select locations. You can also show any available features from the website. This simple add-in can help you share your maps with your audience in minutes.

In conclusion, we hope this technique will be helpful for you to share your maps with your audience. With an interactive map, you can engage your audience and make your presentation more engaging. Give it a try and let us know what you think!