How to Have More than 5 Instagram Accounts

Instagram has become a popular platform for businesses and individuals alike, and for good reason. It allows you to showcase your brand or personal life through images and videos while connecting with your followers. However, managing multiple accounts can be challenging, especially if you have to log in and out of each one. Fortunately, Instagram lets you have multiple accounts on your app, making it easy to switch between them.

If you’re managing multiple clients or have multiple businesses and a personal account, having multiple accounts on Instagram can be a game-changer. While Instagram claims that you can only have up to five accounts, some people have found ways to log in to more. However, there is a limit, and once you reach it, you’ll get a warning.

If you’re wondering how to set up more than five Instagram accounts, it’s simple. First, log in to the account you’re currently using on your phone. Then, go to your profile page and click on your profile name. You’ll see an option to “add an account.” If you don’t have a second account set up, click on “add an account.” If you have an existing account, such as one you set up on a different phone or computer, you can choose that or create a new account.

If you choose to create a new account, you’ll need to pick a unique username and set a password. Instagram will also ask for your phone number and email address, which it will use to verify your account. However, if you want to use a phone number and email address dedicated to the second account, select the second option. Once you’ve completed the signup process, you can access your other accounts by clicking on your profile name and selecting the account you want to switch to.

You can add as many accounts as you want, as long as you haven’t reached the maximum limit. However, Instagram has been known to change this number from time to time. If you want to create more than two or three accounts, click on “add account.”

In addition to managing your accounts on your mobile app, you can also use Instagram Creator Studio on your computer. This makes it easier to post and manage your accounts, especially if you’re managing multiple clients or businesses.

Having multiple accounts on Instagram can be a great way to showcase your brand or personal life. It’s easy to set up and manage, allowing you to switch between accounts quickly. While Instagram claims that you can only have up to five accounts, you can log in to more as long as you haven’t reached the maximum limit.

In conclusion, if you’re looking to set up multiple Instagram accounts, follow the steps outlined above. With a little time and effort, you’ll be managing your accounts like a pro in no time. So, go ahead and create those multiple accounts and enjoy using Instagram to its fullest potential.