How to Get YouTube on Nintendo Switch

General Information Download the app. You can find the YouTube App in the Nintendo eShop by searching for YouTube. ... Sign in or out of YouTube. Navigate to Sign in. ... Navigate the app and play videos. ... Search. ... Clear Search &, Watch History. ... Nintendo Parental Controls and Sign-In. ... Pair your mobile device. ... Watch Purchased Content. More items...

If you own a Nintendo Switch, you might not realize that you can also watch YouTube on it. In this quick tutorial, we’ll show you how to get YouTube on your Nintendo Switch.

First, head on down to the Nintendo eShop and select “Who’s Using the eShop?” Once it loads up, click on “Search” and type in “YouTube.” You’ll see two options: “Youtubers Life” and “YouTube Free Download.” Click on the latter and confirm your purchase by hitting the “Free Download” button.

Once the download starts, be sure to close down any other software that uses communication features (like Fortnite) to avoid interrupting the download. Once it’s finished, you can launch YouTube on your Nintendo Switch.

You’ll probably need to sign in with your account, but once you do, you’ll have access to all of YouTube’s content on your Nintendo Switch. And that’s it – it’s super easy to get YouTube on your Nintendo Switch and enjoy your favorite videos on the go.

So, if you’ve been wondering how to get YouTube on your Nintendo Switch, follow these simple steps and you’ll be watching your favorite videos in no time.