How to Get Rid of Windows 8.1 Preview and Revert Back to Windows 8

If you have Windows 8.1 preview on your system and notice that it is buggy, you may want to revert back to Windows 8. The best way to do this is through a system recovery, which involves wiping the whole system out. However, your files will not be lost, but you will lose some of your installed applications, which you will need to reinstall.

To start the process, go into settings, change your PC settings, and go to update and recovery. From there, go down to recovery and select the option to refresh your PC without affecting files. If your PC is not currently running well, you can also remove everything and reinstall Windows. This will take your PC back to factory settings.

Select the second option for advanced setup to use USB or DVD. You will need to hit get started on the second option, which is to remove everything and reinstall Windows. This will prepare your PC for the process.

You will be asked if you want to remove all files from your drives or only the drive where Windows is installed. Choose the latter option. If you choose the former, it will take several hours.

During the process, make sure your PC is plugged in to ensure that it updates properly. The setup time should be between 10 to 12 minutes. Once the process is complete, you will be back to running Windows 8.

You can check if everything is back to normal by going to the properties folder on your computer. Your personal files should still be there and some of the applications that you installed should still be present.

In conclusion, if you want to revert back to Windows 8 from Windows 8.1 preview, the best way is through a system recovery. While you may lose some installed applications, your files will not be lost. This process should take about 10 to 12 minutes, and you will be back to running Windows 8.