How to Get GroupMe Messages as Texts

GroupMe is a free app that allows you to group message your contacts across multiple platforms. It’s user-friendly and allows you to connect several ways, including through Facebook, Microsoft, or an email login. One of the best features of GroupMe is that it allows you to send individuals who aren’t using GroupMe SMS messages.

To get started with GroupMe, simply download the app and set up your account. You can create groups and add members using their phone number or email address. You can also customize your groups with avatars and emojis. GroupMe also allows you to send media, such as GIFs and videos, to your groups.

If you want to participate in GroupMe text messaging without using the app, you can add your phone number to the group. Once you are added to the group, you will receive a text message notification and can begin group message texting using SMS messaging.

GroupMe is evaluated using the following criteria: appearance and layout, originality, usefulness, staying power, and price. GroupMe fares well on its appearance and layout and originality, earning 3 stars for each. It scores 3 stars for usefulness, as it’s beneficial to anyone who messages multiple people at once. GroupMe scores the most for staying power, earning 5 stars. Additionally, GroupMe is free, earning it another 5 stars for price.

Overall, GroupMe received 3.5 stars as one of the best apps of its kind on either App Store. If you need to send group messages to coworkers, family members, or a particular group of friends, GroupMe is worth the download.


Can I get GroupMe messages as texts?
GroupMe enables you to participate in groups via SMS. If you are added to a GroupMe group by SMS, you can use these commands in the group: #help - Sends you a text with the basic commands you might have forgotten.
Is there a way to get text messages from GroupMe without the app?
GroupMe has a web client as well as mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Those who don't want to use the app can still send and receive GroupMe messages through SMS (Texting).
Why am I not getting texts from GroupMe?
If you're not receiving your GroupMe notifications, there are a few places to check your settings. In the Notifications section: Tap Group Message Sound, then ensure the Show notifications slider is set to on. Tap Direct Message Sound, then ensure the Show notifications slider is set to on.
How do I use GroupMe with SMS?
You simply start texting “#new Roommates” for example, to the number 47687 which should spell GROUP. After that, you add your friend by texting that same number the command “add Jessica 123 456 7890”. You can add more people with the same command.