How to Get Darth Vader and Other Locked Heroes in Star Wars Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2 has a lot of locked heroes, including some of the main ones such as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, iDEN, and Chewbacca. While it can be frustrating to have to unlock them, it is worth it if you really want a good hero.

So, how can you get these heroes? The best way of getting access to your hero is by getting credits and purchasing the hero you want. However, Darth Vader is 60-thousand credits, Chewbacca is 40,000, Luke is 60,000, and the cheapest one herself is iDEN who is only 20,000.

You can get credits by playing games, and purchasing the cheaper hero crates, which are only 2,200 credits each. These crates can help you level up your heroes, but they will not actually unlock them.

You can also buy in-game currency, which will give you access to crystals that can buy packs. When you get duplicate items, that will give you in-game currency to buy them. However, this is not recommended as it can be expensive.

Saving up sixty thousand in-game currency is a lot of games and a lot of time put into it, but if you really want Darth Vader or another hero, it is worth it. However, it is recommended to first get some good cards for your classes before you start unlocking heroes.

It’s all opinion-based on which hero you prefer, and if you’re fine with the heroes you have, you can wait until later on in the game when you want more heroes. It’s unfortunate that the game has been programmed this way, but it’s something we have to deal with.

In conclusion, unlocking heroes in Star Wars Battlefront 2 can be a challenging process, but it is worth it if you really want a good hero. It’s recommended to save up credits, purchase cheaper hero crates, and get some good cards for your classes before unlocking heroes. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which hero you prefer and how you want to unlock them.