How to Get Alexa to Play White Noise All Night

“Alexa, enable white noise.” No need to buy a white noise generator or leave a fan on all night, just ask Alexa to enable white noise , and it will play for an hour. If you want it to go indefinitely, ask Alexa to turn the loop on, and it will play until you ask it to stop.

Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you find it hard to relax at night? If so, you might want to try playing rain or ocean sounds on your Alexa device. Not only can it help you fall asleep faster, but it can also make your sleeping experience much more enjoyable.

To get started, you will need to have an Amazon Prime membership. If you don’t have it already, we highly recommend that you sign up for it. It costs around ten dollars a month, but the savings you get with shipping and all that stuff are so worth it. Once you have a Prime membership, you can easily play rain or ocean sounds on your Alexa device.

All you have to do is say “Alexa, play rain sounds” or “Alexa, play ocean sounds.” Your Alexa device will then play the sounds for you. To loop the sounds all night long until you stop it, say “Alexa, repeat.” Alexa will then ask you if you want to remember this setting for future sessions. Say yes, and it will replay the sounds over and over again until you stop it.

Playing rain or ocean sounds on your Alexa device can be very enjoyable. It can help you relax and sleep better at night. You can even wake up to it in the morning, making your mornings more pleasant. If you haven’t tried it yet, we highly recommend that you give it a try. It might just change your sleeping experience for the better.


How do you get Alexa to play sleep sounds all night?
You can also enable a bedtime Featured Routine by saying, “Alexa, enable the Good Night Routine” and Alexa will wish you good night and play sleep sounds.
How do I get Alexa to play white noise for 10 hours?
HOW TO USE: To Get Started: Say "Alexa open White Noise". By default, the sound will loop automatically and play until you say "Alexa, Stop". To limit the time that the sound will play, just say "Alexa, set a sleep timer for 2 hours" or whatever time limit you would like.
How long can Alexa play white noise for?
By default, the white noise skill will remain on for an hour, though users can also ask Alexa to loop the skill by asking “Alexa, loop white noise”, which will play the noise until the user tells it to stop.
Why does my Alexa stop playing sleep sounds?
This issue may be caused by by the skill that's providing the sleep sounds. Let's try disabling the skill then re-enabling the skill. Open the Alexa app.