How to Fully Justify Text in Word

Have you ever copied text from a website or PDF to Microsoft Word but found that the paragraph doesn’t justify properly? It can be frustrating when Word’s “justify” feature doesn’t work as expected. But don’t worry – there’s an easy solution!

First, select the problematic paragraph(s). Then, click on “Home” and go to “Replace” under the “Editing” section. In the “Find what” field, type “^p” (without the quotes) and in the “Replace with” field, type “^p ” (again, without the quotes but with a space after the p).

Now, click on “More” and check the box next to “Use wildcards.” Under “Special,” select “Paragraph Mark.” Then, under “Format,” select “Font” and choose “All Caps.”

Click “Replace All” and then “No” when prompted to search the rest of the document. Close the “Replace” dialog box and try justifying the text again. You should now see that the paragraph(s) are fully justified!

Alternatively, you can use the shortcut key “Ctrl + J” to justify text. This is a quick and easy way to justify text without having to go through the steps above.

Now that you know how to fully justify text in Word, you can save time and ensure that your documents look neat and tidy. No more frustrating formatting issues!